" In the heart of Nottingham, ASHLY SONG spins a tale of resilience through music. An orphan from the city, ASHLY faced the challenge with their identity while navigating the UK care system.
In the sanctuary of their bedroom, they write their songs and then take the best ones to be recorded at a local studio. Nero divergent, with ADHD and on the Autism Spectrum, the artist channels their unique perspective into their songs. Music becomes a therapeutic escape, allowing ASHLY to hyper-focus on crafting unique songs.
Nottingham's airwaves have embraced ASHLY's creations, with BBC Introducing Nottingham airing several tracks. They were chosen for 'Track of the week' and were selected several times for daytime plays during drivetime.
'EX PARTE' was selected for 'HOT FOR 2024,' promising to echo through the city on rotation! This song will be released March 2024.
For ASHLY, the real reward is the sense of family found through music. Yearning for connection due to a lack of support growing up, ASHLY isn't looking for fans but a family, searching for acceptance and understanding. In every note, ASHLY weaves a story of triumph over struggle, a melody that resonates with the heart of Nottingham. "